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School to Work: 6 Ways to Transition Smoothly

Thu, 09/07/2023 Angelitha Jayaraj
School to Work: 6 Ways to Transition Smoothly

Threading the path towards a professional career fresh off graduating is no small feat. You have to go from students who are only responsible for your own performance and outcomes to professionals who work towards your organisation’s best interests, alongside achieving career fulfilment – all seemingly overnight. Moreover, sometimes the work we do doesn’t necessarily align with the ideas we have of what our jobs should be like. There’s no doubt that a major alteration in mindset is required to get through a change like this.

In this article, we learn more about the different challenges a new graduate may face in transitioning to a workplace and methods that can be utilised to overcome them.

1) Competition in the Job Market

One of the most significant challenges for new graduates is the intense competition in the job market. As more and more individuals graduate from universities and colleges, job openings become increasingly competitive and difficult to get. To get past this first hurdle, you will need to focus on building a unique skill set, gain relevant experience through internships and volunteer work, and network extensively to create opportunities. Once you’ve managed to set yourself apart from the crowd, your chances of achieving your desired role increase exponentially.

2) Adjusting to a New Routine

The shift from a structured school environment to the autonomy of the workplace can be jarring. New professionals will need time to establish a new routine. They will also need to learn to adhere to deadlines and manage their time effectively. Fortunately, cultivating good time management skills can be as simple as creating a daily schedule and setting achievable goals in order to maintain a sense of structure and discipline.

3) Financial Independence

Transitioning from school to work often means achieving financial independence. But with that freedom comes a host of responsibilities like managing finances, paying bills, budgeting, and saving.  Suffice to say, it can be overwhelming to people who are just embarking on their careers. Fortunately, there are multiple avenues through which people can get the information they need to make informed decisions such as financial literacy resources. Through it, you can learn to create a budget and even what to invest in to ensure financial security. If it comes down to it, consulting a financial advisor can also be prudent.

4) Lack of Experience

Many employers require practical experience, which can be a catch-22 for recent graduates who are trying to secure their first job. Many choose to compensate for their inexperience by seeking internships or choosing to work at entry-level positions that provide opportunities for hands-on experience and skill development. Volunteer work and freelance opportunities can also help you build a portfolio.

5) Adjusting to Workplace Culture

The culture of a workplace can differ greatly from the environment of a school or university. Navigating office politics and adapting to the expectations of your superiors and colleagues can be daunting. As such, new professionals might want to take their time to observe and learn more about the workplace culture, ask for feedback, and maintain open communication with their peers and supervisors.

6) Balancing Work and Personal Life

Finally, achieving a healthy work-life balance is a tantalising goal that can seem out of reach to new professionals, especially as the demands of a job may encroach on personal time. However, ensuring that you’re mentally healthy and aren’t in danger of burnout is incredibly vital. To maintain this sense of equilibrium, it is crucial to set boundaries, prioritise self-care, and allocate time for your loved ones and personal interests.


While the transition from school to work presents numerous challenges, it is essential to approach them with resilience, determination, and a proactive mindset. By acknowledging these challenges and taking steps to address them, you can navigate the path to success with confidence. Remember that each obstacle you overcome is an opportunity for growth and learning, ultimately contributing to your personal and professional development.


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