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7 Scholar Qualities that Organisations Look For

Thu, 03/17/2016 Deanna Bonaparte
7 Scholar Qualities that Organisations Look For While every scholarship provider is different and identify individuals with skillsets unique to their trade, there are common attributes that all scholarship providers look for in aspiring scholars. Being able to cultivate and meaningfully portray these qualities will do wonders in helping you ace your scholarship interview! Here are 7 qualities that scholarship providers are drawn to.

1. Passion

We bet you saw this one coming. It is hard to deny that grades matter less than passion to serve. A straight ‘A’s student without genuine dedication will eventually lose his sense of purpose and notice his energy levels flagging in the process of serving his bond. Scholarship providers are aware of this, and only shortlist individuals who are able to let their desire to contribute shine through during scholarship interviews.

2. Confidence

It is important that you put on a confident front at your scholarship interview, in spite of the heart palpitations and endless flutter of butterflies in your tummy. Scholarship providers must be able to sense that you are an individual of confidence, for this will assure them of your positive conduct during uncertain times.

3. Composure

During your scholarship interview, maintain your composure even when you find yourself caught in difficult situations. If you are thrown a challenging question, pause to reflect on it before conveying your thoughts in a composed manner. It is better to ask for some time to ponder on a question than to vomit out your initial thoughts like a bullet train and come across as hasty and disorganised.

4. Enthusiasm

If you are passionate about something, you naturally become enthusiastic about the tasks that await you. Enthusiasm is at the root of pro-activeness and willingness, and every employer loves a cheerful contributor. Be sure to reveal your enthusiasm at the prospect of a scholarship, but be careful not to go overboard – you don’t want to appear pushy and overbearing.

5. Ability to be a Team Player

One will be dumbfounded if they perceive the workplace to run on individualistic mindsets and personal gains. In any organisation, goals can only be met if a collaborative culture is nurtured among team members and members of other departments. It will thus be good to highlight your participation in CCAs and project work at your scholarship interview, as well as the results you have attained as part of a team.

6. Analytical Skills

Analytical skills encompass qualities such as the ability to identify and solve problems. You’d be surprised – these are not skills restricted to engineers, IT technicians and mathematicians. Even policy-planning requires strong analytical abilities. For scholars who might be put on the track of policy-planning, it is imperative that they understand public concerns, identify the root issue from which they stem, and make sound decisions with information available to them.

7. Foresight

Coupled with analytical skills, good foresight will ensure that work plans can be implemented with minimal disruptions. If you were to be given a scenario to maneuver during your scholarship interview, ensure you exercise good foresight and think at least five steps in advance. Foresight is, after all, an earmark of a good leader, and a quality that scholarship providers seek in their applicants.

At the end of the day, these are qualities that every employer wants to see in their employees – scholar or not. However, as a scholar, more eyes will be on you and the consistency of your performance in the workplace. These are thus qualities that you, as an aspiring scholar, must possess and eventually sustain when you do start work in your sponsoring organisation. Find a job that is a combination of your passion and what you perceive as a purposeful role, and build the rest of these qualities as you go along.

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